Bhagwad geeta shlok chapter 1

Chapter 1

1. Dhritarashtra said, Sanjay!  What did me and Pandu's sons do in Dharmabhumi Kurukshetra, assembled with the desire to fight? 

 Meaning:   Bhagavad Gita is a well-read theistic science which is summarized in the Gita - Mahatmya.  It mentions that man should study the Bhagavad Gita while scrutinizing it with the help of a devotee of Shri Krishna and try to understand it without self-motivated interpretations. 

 The way Arjuna listened to and received the Gita from Lord Krishna directly, the example of such a clear feeling is in the Bhagavad Gita.  If by the same guru-tradition, driven by personal selfishness, without having the privilege of understanding Bhagavad Gita, then he leaves behind all the Vedic knowledge and study of all the scriptures of the world.  In the Bhagavad Gita, the reader will not only get all the things of other scriptures but also such things which are not available elsewhere.  This is the specific criterion of Gita.
  It is a complete theistic science due to the fact that it is described by Lord Krishna himself.  The talks of Dhritarashtra and Sanjay described in the Mahabharata form the basic principle of this great philosophy.  It is believed that this philosophy was presented in the battlefield of Kurukshetra, which has been a holy pilgrimage site since the Vedic era.  It was preached by God to guide mankind when he himself was present in this world.  The word Dharmakshetra is meaningful because Sri Bhagavan himself was present in favor of Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra.


The word Dharmakshetra is meaningful, because Sri Bhagwan himself was present in the battlefield of Kurukshetra, after Arjuna.  Dhritarashtra, the father of the Kauravas, was highly suspicious of his sons' chances of victory.  So because of this doubt, he asked his secretary, "What did they do?"
  "He was convinced that his son and his younger brother Pandu's sons had gathered for a decisive battle in the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Yet his curiosity is worthwhile. He did not want any compromise between the brothers, so he would be in the battlefield of his sons.  Wanted to be horseless about the destiny of (destiny, future), since this war had to be fought in Kurukshetra, which is mentioned in the Vedas as heaven  It has also been a place of pilgrimage for the residents, so Dhritarashtra was extremely afraid of how this holy site would not be affected by the outcome of the war. He was well aware that its effect would be very favorable for Arjuna and other sons of Pandu because the nature  All of them were saints. Sanjay was a disciple of Shri Vyas, so by his grace, Sanjay sat in Dhritarashtra's chamber - sitting in Kurukshetra.  Could be seen Uddhsthl. So Dhritarashtra asked about the battlefield with the situation.

Both Pandavas and Dhritarashtra's sons belong to a dynasty, but Dhritarashtra's sentence here reveals his feelings.  He deliberately called his sons Kuru and separated the sons of Pandu from the succession of the dynasty.  In this way, Dhritarashtra's specific mood with the sons of Pandu, that is, his nephews, can be understood.  Just as the unwanted plants are uprooted from the paddy field, in the same way, from the beginning of this story, it is expected that where the father of religion Shri Krishna is present, in the field of Kurukshetra, Duryodhan etc. in the field of Kurukshetra, the complete destruction of the unwanted plants like Dhritarashtra  By doing this, Yudhishthira and other religious men will be established.  Here the words Dharmakshetra and Kurukshetra, in addition to their historical and Vedic significance, have the same meaning.

2. Sanjay said, O Rajan!  Seeing the army's exploitation by the Panduputras, King Duryodhana went to his guru and uttered these words. 

  Meaning:-  Dhatarashtra was blind since birth.  Unfortunately, he should also be swayed by spiritual sight.

 He also knew that his sons, like him, are blind in religion and believed that they would never compromise with the Pandavas because the five Pandavas were pure from birth.  Still he had doubts about the influence of the shrine.
 That's why Sanjay understood the intent of his question regarding the status of the battleground.

 Hence, he wanted to encourage the disappointed king.  He convinces him that his sons are not going to compromise under the influence of the holy place.
  He told the king that his son Duryodhana, seeing the army of Pandavas, immediately went to apprise his commander Dronacharya about the real situation.

  Although Duryodhana is referred to as a king, due to the seriousness of the situation, he had to go to the commander.  Therefore, Duryodhana was perfectly suited to become a politician.  But when he saw the pandavas' vandalism, his diplomatic behavior could not hide his fear.

3. Hey teacher!  Look at the huge army of Panduputras, which your wise disciple Drupada's son has so skillfully organized.  

Meaning:- The ultimate politician Duryodhana wanted to point out the defects of the great Brahmin commander Dronacharya.  Dronacharya had some political quarrel with Raja Drupada, father of Draupadi, Arjuna's wife. 

 As a result of this quarrel, Drupada performed a great yajna which gave him the boon of getting a son who could kill Dronacharya.  Dronacharya knew it well, but when Dhrishtadyumna, the son of Drupada, was entrusted to him for war education, Dronacharya had no hesitation in giving him all his military secrets.  Now Dhrishtadyumna was taking the side of the Pandavas in the battlefield of Kurukshetra and based on the art he had learned from Dronacharya, he did this interpretation.  Duryodhana pointed out this weakness of Dronacharya so that he would remain alert in war and not compromise.  By this, he was also trying to tell Dronacharya that he should not show generosity in war towards his beloved disciple Pandavas.  In particular, Arjun was his most beloved and stunning disciple.
  Duryodhana also warned that this kind of leniency in a war could lead to defeat.

4. In this army, there are many heroors who have wars like Bhima and Arjun, as much as Maharathi Yuar, Virat and Drupad. 

Meaning:- Although there was no significant obstacle in front of the great power of Dronacharya in the battlefield, but there were many such warriors. Duryodhana tells them the extreme obstacle in the path because each of these was formidable as a warrior Bhima and Arjun. He had knowledge of Bhim and Arjun's force, so it does comparing others from both of them.

They are also great powerful warriors like Daketetu, Chakitan, Keshiraj, Purujit, Kuntabhojo and Shabya.
Powerful Yudhamnu, very powerful, son of Subhadra and Draupadi's son - all these are Maharathi.
But the Brahmin Best! For your information, I would like to tell about those heroes of my army who are especially expert in operating my army.

5. In my army, you are the son of Bhishma, Karna, Shishacharya, Ashwatthama, Diagonal and Somaduta, who are always victorious in the war.

Meaning:- Duryodhana mentions unique warvirs who are always winning. Diagonal is the brother of Duryodhana, Ashwatthama is the son of Dronacharya and is the son of the King of Samadtatti or Bhurishrava Balis. Karna is half a brother of Arjun because he was born before being married to King Pandu from the womb of Kunti. Dronacharya's twin sister Dronacharya was married.

6. There are many other heroes who are willing to sacrifice their lives for me.  They are well equipped with a wide variety of weapons and are proficient in warfare.

Meaning:- As far as others - such as Jayadratha, Kritavarma and Shalya are concerned, they were all ready to sacrifice their lives for Duryodhana.  In other words, it is certain that they will now be killed in the battle of Kurukshetra by joining Papi Duryodhana's team.  Undoubtedly Duryodhana was confident of his victory due to the combined strength of his friends.

7. Our power is irrational and we are protected by all the grandmother, while the power of the Pandavas is also limited to the beneficiaries.

 Meaning:- Duryodhana has estimated the comparative power estimates that he thinks that the power of his armed forces is irresponsible because of being particularly installed by the very experienced sanitary Bhishma Patra. On the other hand, the armies of Pandavo are limited because their security is being done by a lesser hero Bhima, which is negligible compared to Bhishma. 

Duryodhana used to jealously from the Bhim because he was the public that if he had ever died, he would be by Bhim. But as well was he convinced that his victory is certain in the presence of Bhishma because Bhishma is far more excellent commander. It would be victorious in the war, it was determined.


8. Therefore, standing on your fronts in the military view, give full support to all Bhishma's father. 


After praising the valor of Bhishma Pitamah, Duryodhana thought that no other warriors should understand that he was being given less importance, so Duryodhana uttered the above words for the purpose of handling the situation in his natural diplomatic manner.

 He forcefully said that Bhishma Deva is undoubtedly the greatest warrior but now he is old, so every soldier should take special care of their safety from all around.  They may be engaged in fighting in one direction and the enemy takes advantage of this busyness. 
 Therefore, it is necessary that other warriors stand on their respective positions on the fronts and do not let the enemy break the array.  Duryodhana was convinced that the victory of the Kurus depended on the presence of Bhishma Deva. 
 He hoped for the full cooperation of Bhishma Deva and Dronacharya in the war because he knew well that both of them had not said a word when Draupadi, Arjuna's wife, was being naked in a barren assembly and when he asked her  Justice was begged.  Knowing that these two generals had affection for the Pandavas, Duryodhana hoped that they would abandon this affection in the same way as they did on the occasion of gaming.

9. Then the supremely illustrious and aged grandfather of Kuruvash played his conch with a loud voice that sounded like a lion-roar, which made Duryodhana happy.


The grand father of the Kuru dynasty came to know his grandson Duryodhana's spirit and with his natural kindness towards him, he rang his conch with a very high tone to please him which was in the same condition as his lion.
 Indirectly, through the conch shell, he symbolically told his desperate grandson Duryodhana that he had no hope of victory in the war because the other side is Lord Krishna.  Nevertheless, it was his duty to guide the war and he would spare no effort in this regard.

10. Then the conch, the drum, the trumpet, the trumpet and the horn sounded simultaneously.  That chorus was very noisy.

11. On the other hand, Krishna and Arjuna, on a huge chariot pulled by white horses, played their divine conch shells.  

 Meaning:- The conch shells of Krishna and Arjuna are said to be divine as compared to the conch shell instead of Bhishma Dev.  Due to the sound of the divine conch shells, it was reported that there was no hope of victory for the other side because Krishna was in favor of the Pandavas.  Jayastu Panduputrana Yeshan Pakhe Janardhana: - Jai is always the son of Pandu - just like Lord Krishna is with him.  And wherever God exists, there also Lakshmi lives because she cannot live without her husband.  So, as indicated by the divine sound produced by the person of Vishnu or Lord Krishna, both Vijay and Shri were waiting for Arjuna.  

In addition, the chariot in which the two friends were sedentary was provided to Arjuna by the fire god and it was informing that wherever it would go in the three worlds, victory was certain.

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